Please fill out this Order Form if you wish to book a locker for your school. You must fill in every field.

Once this has been completed and sent, we will e-mail you our bank account number to deposit the correct amount into our account. We will then post you your key. If you have not received an e-mail from us within 24 hours, please check your junk mail folder.


If you are renewing your locker, you should already have an email from us with payment details so you will not receive another email on completion of this form. Please get in touch with us if you need these details re-sent.


If you are renewing your locker please enter your reference number

Student's Name (First and last)

Postal Address (Including Postcode)

Parent / Guardian Email

Student's Email

Parent / Guardian Mobile Number

Alternative Contact Number

Year Level*
Year level the student will be for the term of the locker contract


Please tick the School Terms in which you wish to hire the locker.
 One Term ($35) Two Terms ($45) Three Terms ($55) Four Terms/All year ($60)
Plus: Refundable Bond ($15)

I agree:

• That any replacement keys for the locker are to cost $15 and may take 4-5 working days to obtain from Stowaway Lockers.

• That any time I call Stowaway Lockers to attend to my locker for whatever reason I will have to pay a minimum fee of $35 to Stowaway Lockers.

• To return all keys within 7 days of contract expiring, by posting to-
Stowaway Lockers, 475 Crane Road, R.D.1, Kamo 0185.

• To extend this contract, payment must be made no later than the due date, usually in the first week of January, to avoid the locker being reassigned to someone else.

• That it is my responsibility to ensure the locker is kept in a reasonable condition, and the padlock is left on when the locker is not in use.

• That when I have submitted the completed order form and deposited the correct payment into the Stowaway Lockers bank account, if this is a new locker, the receipt will be sent with my padlock key before the start of the term. If I am renewing my locker, I will be able to use my existing locker key.

• And acknowledge that Stowaway Lockers accept no liability for loss or damage to property stored in lockers.

• That in an emergency Stowaway Lockers may have access to the locker and they shall not be liable for any damage caused to the locker or to any property contained in the locker.

Parent / Guardian's name

 By clicking this box, you sign your electronic signature.